Not to make this website about me, but…


No. I totally will. You know why you came here. (It’s she/her, btw.)

Welcome to the bio I wrote.


“About Me” is usually where you go to read interesting things about the person the website was named after. But I’m not actually that interesting. I had a pretty safe and decent upbringing. My parents are still together. I’ve never ridden a bike or broken my arm or been stranded abroad or met a celebrity. (Unless you count the one time St. Vincent retweeted me.)

I, personally, am not that fascinating. But I do have a lot of ideas. I think that celebrities should start making designer mustards like they do with hot sauce and wine. I think an apocalypse brought on by monkeys would be worse than an apocalypse brought on by robots. I think there needs to be a bluegrass Bon Jovi cover band called Ban Jovi.

I also make a lot of stuff up. I write songs and comedy sketches and the occasional embarrassing iPhone Notes App poem. I also write ads. (Which I’m sure is the reason you’re here.) Turns out, if you like having ideas and making stuff up, you can just live a colorful life. You don’t have to live a wild and crazy one. And thank goodness. That sounds exhausting.


Door No. 3 | Senior Copywriter (August 2023-present)

  • Writes and concepts creative campaigns driven by strategic insights to solve problems for brands

  • Writes each day from her chic Indianapolis apartment wearing a sweatshirt she bought in 2019

Young & Laramore | Writer (November 2019-2023)

  • Wrote and concepted creative campaigns for national brands in TV, radio, digital, print, social media, and OOH

  • Can never type OOH without reading it like “ooh”

Her Campus | Entertainment Correspondent (2018)

  • Researched, wrote, and published weekly entertainment news articles for Her Campus website

  • Contributed 10+ top five trending articles to website, increasing site’s online traffic

  • Made fun of entertainment journalism a lot; is genuinely surprised she was kept on staff


Butler University (2016-2020)

  • Bachelor of Arts, Strategic Communication

  • GPA: 3.8

  • Got first-ever B in a class; didn’t cry


  • Verbal presentation

  • Working proficiency in video editing

  • Really good tweets

  • **Pizazz**