That’s right. My website has work/life balance.

So this one time, I blew up on TikTok.

In March 2021, I wrote a short song about my experience inside department store dressing rooms as an adolescent. And it seemed to resonate with quite a few people. Which is cool. Seeing that sort of thing online as a teen would’ve made me feel really normal. But then I wouldn’t have an insatiable need to impress people by creating stuff. And then you wouldn’t be on this website.

So now I’m just, like, on TikTok.

Sure, idiosyncratic comedy-ish songs are still my bread and butter. But I also make sketches based on observations in pop culture, modern dating, and even sometimes my career.

I also write other songs.

Sometimes they’re folksy. Sometimes they’re twee. Sometimes I scream. They’re my absolute favorite things to write. Too bad commercial jingles aren’t really a thing anymore. Unless I MAKE THEM a thing.

Oh. And I made a card game.

An ad-related one.

In 2022, I created a Super Bowl-themed card game to play during the football game— which my dear friends and I cannot force ourselves to pay attention to the whole time (sorry, we try). Then I made a sample play-through video. One of these days, I’ll crowdfund the game and bring it to life for real. And when that day comes, you’ll get to say you knew about it before it was played on buffalo chicken dip-stained coffee tables across the country.